
Monday, April 21, 2014

Antique to Chic

First I have to say, I did a good job today following my exercise plan. I have eaten okay, and I woke up this morning to complete my first day of the 30 Day Shred! I am doing so far so good...but then again it is only day 1 haha!

Well tonight I am going to kind of do what I did with the jewelry knob holder and show you a finished product and describe what I did to complete it. About a year ago I found this adorable antique chair at an antique mall by my house. It was nothing much to look at from the beginning, but I have completely transformed it into a chic desk chair that goes great in my room! I so wish I had a before picture for all of ya'll to see the amazing transformation of this chair!

Well here is the finished product...

I just love this chair! It is incredible isn't it? You would have never guessed it was a run down old chair before I transformed it with just some paint and fabric!

Supplies: An antique chair (I got mine for only $15!), sand paper, white spray paint primer, spray paint color of your choice, fabric foam, 1 yard of fabric (your choice), scissors, staple gun with staples, and glue or hammer and nails

Step 1: I completely took the chair apart, well just the place where you sit. I took it out of the main part of the chair. Then take off the fabric and old foam on the circle part of the chair. You should only be left with a circle cardboard material.

Step 2: I sanded down the entire frame of the chair with sand paper. This requires major elbow work!

Step 3: When completely sanded, spray the white primer all over the chair. Once dry spray two coats of spray paint (color of choice)

Step 4: While the paint dries cut out foam to fit the circle seat of the chair. Put it on top of the circle cardboard part of the chair. Drape fabric on top of both foam and cardboard, pull very tight. Secure fabric with staples and staple gun on the bottom part of the circle.

Step 5: When chair is dry, you insert the circle fabric piece back into the frame of the chair. You can put hot glue around the frame of the chair where the circle part goes before you put it back in or hammer the circle part in with a couple of nails once it is in. Your choice!

This should be about it and you should officially have your cute chair to match any room. The antique feel of the chair just gives it the most perfect touch. I swear my blogs will have pictures next time since words can get confusing, but ask me any questions if you get lost. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I know I did! 

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